All learning modules

Basics of forest management

Courses objectives

  • To understand the multifunctional dimension of the forest and to know the various categories of actors in its management (in France).
  • To have a basic knowledge of silvicultural treatments and to evaluate the different itineraries in order to make decisions.
  • To make students aware of the forestry environment.

Course contents

  • History of the French forest and its current structure
  • Forest stands and their silvicultural treatments: understanding forest stands and the management decisions to be taken
  • Notions of forest management and sustainable management: getting in touch with forestry time and its technical and legal constraints
  • The actors of the forest-wood environment from a regional example: discover a very diverse sector: approach of the human and social complexity of the management of the forest and the forest-wood sector
  • International timber trade: framework, problems, issues

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures on silviculture and the basis of forest management (30h)
  • Seminar on international timber trade (6h)
  • Forest management tour and fieldwork (34h)

Course evaluation

  • Tour report
  • Hammering report

Target skills

  • Ability to make a simple analysis of a stand in a temperate environment in interaction with its environment and to understand its management level.
  • Knowledge of the main forest and timber stakeholders in a given region and their interactions.

Course Coordinator(s)

Lecturer in forest management, AgroParisTech Nancy
maxence.arnould @

Additional Info

  • Training delivering this course: SM FNS-MI
  • Field of study: Environmental sciences, Integrative learning & fieldwork, Tools & Personnal development
  • Learning place(s): Nancy, Other places
  • Calendar-Duration:

    70H during Octorber-November

  • Keywords:

    forestry; dynamics of forest stands; sustainable forest management; multifunctionnality; international timber trade sector

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5