The sociologies of organised action and environmental management

Course objectives

The analysis of environmental management systems requires in-depth theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of the social sciences. The goal of this course is to broaden the way in which the social sciences, in particular the different currents in the sociology of organised action and pragmatic sociology, address the issues of environmental management and the collective processes and organisational changes at stake.

Course contents

  • Reasoning methods and conceptual frameworks for the analysis of organisations and collective action and different sociological approaches
  • The constraints of collective action, the sociology of organised action and the new sociology of organisations particularly with reference to environmental management or natural resource management issues
  • The production of knowledge in social sciences, the methods and the rigour of their mobilisation to analyse social and organisational change, especially in the field of management of natural resources
  • Shedding light especially upon neo-institutional theories, conventions, and the people network.

Teaching and learning methods

Lessons and lectures with thematic bibliographic syntheses by groups of participants to develop discussions with lecturers.

Course evaluation

Continuous assessment and evaluation of the work of bibliographic synthesis.

Target skills

Ability to discuss, mobilise and compare sociological methods of analysis of organised systems and the theories of collective action.

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5